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TuneUp Utilities™ 2011 + Keygen
[ · Download from mirror (19.0 Mb) ] 29 December 2010, 10:02
Status & recommendations

With the fresh, new TuneUp Utilities™ Start Center, users can see right away if optimization processes are ready to go and if there are problems with the PC. The "Increase performance" and "Fix problems" modules show if there are any incorrect settings or if any "brakes" exist that slow down computer performance. The main attraction: One click brings you right to the solution!
On top of that, you can fire up Turbo Mode, now more powerful than ever, directly from the Start Center and always keep an eye on the current Tuning status.

There’s also a special Gadget for Windows® Vista and Windows® 7 that shows you the state of your computer, right on your desktop.
Optimize system

Over time, numerous programs, background functions and unnecessary registry entries accumulate on your PC and severely tie down your system down. The result: Computer startup is sluggish, your computer works slowly, and displays error messages. With a total of nine new optimization functions, TuneUp Utilities™ 2011 prevents performance and stability loss and gives you an immediate increase in performance! Above all, the new TuneUp Program Deactivator adds a noticeable boost when working, surfing, and gaming. and gives you that "Windows® like it was on the very first day!" feeling.
Gain disk space

When the hard disk is full, Windows® gets tired, installations terminate and programs no longer start. TuneUp Utilities™ 2011 is the remedy you need: It deletes data trash that is automatically generated when Windows® and other programs are used so your PC is back to working quickly and reliably.
Fix problems

TuneUp Utilities™ performs approximately 200 checks with respect to Windows® settings, drivers, security, privacy, hard disk space, and Windows® Update. With just a few clicks, typical weak areas and incorrect settings in your PC as well as the most common Windows® problems are fixed in a flash. On top of that, TuneUp Utilities™ keeps your hard disk in shape and lets you restore any files you’ve deleted accidentally—easily, quickly and reliably.
Customize Windows®

You can quickly give your Windows® installation a new look when you use TuneUp Utilities™ 2011: Stylish boot screens, icons, and animations will bring a breath of fresh air to your desktop. You can also use the software to easily change over 400 program and system setting—just use your imagination.
Overview of all functions

The perfect thing Windows® tinkerers: the new "Overview of all functions" category on the Start Center. It gives you immediate access to all 32 TuneUp Utilities™ 2011 functions as well as settings, so your favorite functions are right there when you need them. You’ll also find the well-laid-out Optimization Report, TuneUp Utilities™ update function and a useful editor for working with the Windows® registry.
- Download "TuneUp Utilities™ 2011 + Keygen" zip file from here;
- Install "TuneUpUtilities2011_en-US.exe" file first;
- Use Keygen.Exe to activate your trial version;
- Update if you want.
For More Information click here
Category: Utility və Sistem | Added by: riocomp
Views: 1603 | Downloads: 450 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
29 December 2010
1. Admin (riocomp) [Daxil ol ]
Sizin üçün TuneUp 2011 in ən yeni versiyasını sizin ixtiyarınıza veririk. Keygeni Arxiv faylın içərisindədir. Buyurub halallıqla yükləyə bilərsiniz. Şərhlərinizi yazmağı unutmayın!!!

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